Time Left Before the Submission Deadline:
Submission for presentation at BICA 2018 is CLOSED. You still may submit a paper for publication in the conference post-proceedings published in Procedia Computer Science (an open-access Elsevier journal, post-conference publication). Selected papers will be recommended for publication in the BICA journal. The submission deadline for Procedia was October 10. For details, please read below. With any questions, please contact Alexei Samsonovich at Alexei.Samsonovich@gmail.com
Submission and Publication
- Submission is open via EasyChair using the link on the right: —>
- Abstracts can be submitted at any time and before or without paper submission. Papers can be submitted without a preliminary abstract submission. On-site participation is not required for publication, and vice versa.
- The first part of Proceedings of BICA 2018 is published as a separate volume of Springer's AISC Series. The published volume will be made available to participants electronically before the first day of the conference.
- The second part of Proceedings of BICA 2018 will be published as a separate volume of Procedia Computer Science after the conference. The publication date is expected to be before December 15, 2018. Submissions should be made via the BICA 2018 EasyChair site.
- Selected papers will be recommended for publication in Elsevier's journal BICA (WoS JCR 5-year IF >1).
- All papers accepted for the conference, including abstracts and papers not accepted for publication, will be prepared for local distribution to conference participants in one electronic volume (considered unpublished).
- For the sake of consistency of the locally distributed volume of electronic Proceedings, all papers should be prepared using Springer's or Elsevier's guidelines. The length of a Springer AISC paper or a PCS paper is between 3 and 11 pages. The length of a paper intended for BICA Journal is virtually unlimited (from 4 up to 30-50 journal pages, depending on the category, with no extra page fees); however, keep in mind that Editors may decide to accept your paper for PCS instead of the BICA Journal, with obvious consequences. A submission intended for the local distribution only can be anything from a 100-word abstract to a 10-page paper.
- All submissions of all categories should be made via EasyChair. Submissions cannot be processed via email. Whenever you add or change files of your submission, please do not create a new submission.
- After notification of acceptance, you will have a chance to revise your paper, following reviewer's suggestions. The final acceptance of your paper for publication is contingent upon the implementation of requested changes.
Message for Accepted Procedia Authors
Please note that 3 separate files need to be (re-)uploaded to the new location in EasyChair: Proceedings -> Procedia volume. To get there, exit EasyChair, then login as BICA 2018 proceedings author (select Procedia volume).
You need to upload 3 files, as specified in EasyChair:
The source in Word (the file as is) or Latex (zipped archive with all resources). You need to use one of the approved templates (see below) when preparing your paper.
The PDF, created from the source (you need to check it by downloading the result).
The signed Procedia Declaration (uploaded as "copyright form"), also found at the link below.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation in these matters. Thank you again for your contribution to BICA 2018.
Procedia Computer Science Instructions:
Papers should be prepared camera-ready based on a template found at this Dropbox link (see also https://www.elsevier.com/journals/procedia-computer-science/1877-0509/guide-for-authors).
If you need help with preparation of your article in English - please refer to the following letter and the links below.
"… web-friendly descriptions of our services - you can find them on Northwestern University's Department of Linguistics page here and the University of Kentucky's student resources page here."
"…It is good to learn that our services may be of use to the conference participants. For reference, and by way of elaboration, I should say that we have two streams of editorial work. I have pasted the descriptions of these below along with their schedule of fees.
A. General Proofreading
General Proofreading corrects grammar, punctuation, formatting, verb tenses, phrasing, sentence construction, and word choice. Sentences that appear awkward will be edited and parts of the text where the meaning is too vague to be edited or rewritten will be highlighted. House style and other formatting issues will also be corrected, as we are familiar with all the major style guides. All changes are tracked. The cost for this ranges between $0.0225 and $0.0325 per word, depending on the length and state of the text, and includes as many rounds of revision as necessary to get the work into its final form.
B. Thorough Editing
Thorough Editing involves two rounds of work: (1) a rigorous review of the work's logic, organization, and whether the research supports the argumentation; and (2) a more fine-grained reading to check for the mechanical elements of language covered under General Proofreading. The text’s flow, style, and syntax may be improved and we are also able to check references and draft indices for larger work. All changes are tracked. The cost for this ranges between $0.03 and $0.0425 per word, depending on the length and state of the text, and, as above, includes as many rounds of revision as necessary to get the text into its final form.
As noted, both streams of work are covered by our Infinite Revisions Policy.
"Once an author receives the edited manuscript from us and makes further changes as a result of our edits, suggestions, criticisms, etc., we are happy to provide further editing of the revised work at no extra cost. This might be particularly useful if, for instance, assessors or journal referees require changes to a manuscript."
A final note is that we facilitate our work with a short contract and strict non-disclosure agreement.
Do let me know if you have any questions.
With best wishes,